[webarch-websites] Prices

Chris Croome chris at webarchitects.co.uk
Fri Nov 21 11:49:59 GMT 2014


On Thu 20-Nov-2014 at 11:21:09AM +0000, Mark Nielsen wrote:
> I find Webarch's server costs to be a bit too high for me as a small
> development firm. 

You are not the only one in that position...

Adam has done some recent work on the cost of server resources and might
be able to share them with the list.

I think I'd like to see use make the pricing simpler if possible, for
example anything that takes time (installing up a CMS, creating email
accounts, setting up DNS servers etc) we simply charge for the time
spent and then the only other things would be (excluding inherited MKDoc
/ Ecohost etc hosting):

- RAM - price per 1GB, allocate CPUs in proportion to RAM quantities

- Disk space - price per 1GB

- Domain names and certs - charge out at our cost price plus time to
  set up and configure them

Bandwidth could be included with an exceptional use clause -- charge if
people use a crazy amount.

I guess I'm thinking more of a membership / wholesale co-op approach --
aim to provide services to members at as close to cost as possible but
charge for our time settings things up and maintaining them. The large
amount of time spent invoicing and chasing people to pay their invoices
would have to be included in the disk space, RAM and hourly prices I
guess unless we start to charge people for the time spent pestering them
to pay their invoices... but this is probably not a good idea!

All the best


Webarchitects Co-operative
+44 114 276 9709

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