[MKSearch-dev] Week 34 round up

Phil Shaw phil at mkdoc.com
Fri Jun 3 19:20:49 BST 2005

Started work on a new RDF-processing plugin this week, which required 
a division in the store manager types, so lots of refactoring crammed 
into a long day on Tuesday. 

Completed UK e-GMS application profile coverage tests with minor 
amendments to Dublin Core profile. Completed a first draft 
RdfStoreWriterPlugin, but this required a cleaner line of inheritance 
in the plugin and storage class hierarchies. Also worked-in some 
renaming to make a more consistent scheme. Had to refactor most of 
the store manager, plugin and custom SAX parsers to separate out 
FileStore types from repository-stored types.  

Various functionality split-out and moved up and down the 
hierarchies, which required changes to the test suites too. 
Eventually brought it all back together with all tests passing.  

MKSearch (alpha)


Free, open source metadata search engine with RDF storage and query.

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