[MKSearch-dev] DC : Accessibility

Phil Shaw phil at mkdoc.com
Fri Jun 3 08:20:22 BST 2005

On 1 Jun 2005, at 11:42, Adam Moran wrote:

> I think that it is worthwhile reading the thread here entitled
> 'mapping concepts':
> http://www.jiscmail.ac.uk/cgi-bin/webadmin?A1=ind0505&L=dc-accessibili
> ty

Thanks Adam. 

The work I have been doing recently on application profiles means 
that we can create custom profiles that index metadata from different 
mixed authorities. This means that we can create profiles like e-GMS 
that piggy-back on the DC schemas relatively easily. 

My plan is that the application profile also governs the search 
fields the public query interface presents to the user.

I haven't really considered mapping one schema type to another. I 
think we will have to see how this discussion turns out. There may be 
things we could do to adapt one application profile to another on the 
front end, i.e. present a schema X profile on the query pages that 
wraps the true profile under which the content was indexed.

I have been focusing on HTML and XHTML 1, which makes up the bulk of 
the Web, and not XHTML 2. I do not think that XHTML 2 is necessary to 
record the accessibility metadata they are discussing, but I may have 
missed something.  

> I've been chatting to Matt at Portland, and he is interested in
> MKSearch for his learners.  http://www.portlandpartnership.net/ - 
> offered user testing :)

Very good. The front end is pretty basic at the moment, but it's 
about time we looked at the accessibility design of the interface. If 
there are conventions used in MKDoc for accessibility markup and 
labelling please post them here and I'll follow them.

If you need to give working demonstrations, please let me know and 
I'll switch attention to make the query interface more presentable. 
It's the component I have paid least attention to so far. We would 
also need to get Tomcat up and running on a public box.

Best regards,

MKSearch (alpha)


Free, open source metadata search engine with RDF storage and query.

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