[MKDoc-users] Re: Javascript in the Editors Interface
Chris Croome
Thu, 7 Feb 2002 12:20:41 +0000
On Thu 07-Feb-2002 at 12:45:34 +0100, Renato Feijó wrote:
> >Perhaps the medium term answer would be to to have two different web
> >editor interfaces.
> Even three (voice, text and "normal" agents), maybe.
We are looking at adding in support for users to set peferances for the
public interface to control what they see based on which audience they
consider themselves to be in and I don't see why this couldn't extend to
selecting a set of templates for the site, and if it did applying it to
the editor interface shouldn't be a big deal.
> Anyway,the emphasis should not be on the technology per se, but on the
> support of users' tasks. It should be solution focused, and validated
> by thorough user testing.
Chris Croome <chris@mkdoc.com>
MKDoc http://mkdoc.com/