[MKDoc-admin] Re: Installation

Bruno Postle bruno at mkdoc.com
Wed Apr 7 14:56:52 BST 2004

[Cc'd to the mkdoc-admin list]

On Wed 07-Apr-2004 at 02:26:56PM +0200, ruus at freenet.de wrote:
> I just tried it with this commenad in
> /var/wwww/mkdoc-1.6.03/
> tools/install-mkdoc.pl
> and it gave me a empty httpd.conf with 0 bytes.

This is correct, installing the MKDoc software itself doesn't create
any apache VirtualHosts - When you add MKDoc sites, Include
statements will be written to this file.

Thanks for pointing-out the confusing instructions, we'll modify the
INSTALL document to make this clearer.


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