[MKDoc-admin] Re: Installation

Bruno Postle bruno at mkdoc.com
Wed Apr 7 15:12:06 BST 2004

[Cc'd to the mkdoc-admin list]

On Wed 07-Apr-2004 at 02:13:13PM +0200, ruus at freenet.de wrote:
> >      source /var/www/mkdoc/mkdoc-1.6/mksetenv.sh
> I put his line into my
> /etc/profile
> or should i take
> /root/.profile  ?

It is necessary to do any of this as the root user.

You could make the MKDoc commands available to every user on the
system by placing the 'source' line in /etc/profile; though you
probably just want to add it to your personal profile which is
likely to be ~/.profile

..or you can just remember to run the 'source' command each time you
create an MKDoc site - This is what I do.

> I must say that i did not install the Image::Magick module.
> I have installed the Mail::IMAPClient module, but i dont use Courier as 
> MTA only for SSL connections to my Exim4 MTA.

That should be ok, though installing Image::Magick on debian is
easy: `apt-get install perlmagick`


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