[MKDoc-admin] Can't load .so

Mike Preston issmip at leeds.ac.uk
Tue Jan 28 17:28:40 GMT 2003

Hi Bruno,

I didn't recompile Apache with my new perl and mod_perl.
Now that I have, I've put the perl references back into the
httpd.conf, stopped and started httpd. Now, I get all three
web sites. However, I cannot login to the editor site. I type
the username and password and the page redraws with

"Sorry the information provided is incorrect."

The username and password are correct in the MySQL db (although
stored as plain text, is that correct?). 

There are no error in the log files.

Any ideas?



Mike Preston                 Email: M.I.Preston at leeds.ac.uk
Information Systems Services           Phone: 0113 233 5844
University of Leeds                    Fax:   0113 233 5411
Leeds LS2 9JT

Quoting Bruno Postle <bruno at mkdoc.com>:

> On Tue 28-Jan-2003 at 11:26:31AM +0000, Bruno Postle wrote:
> > 
> > His solution was "I had to rebuild perl as shared libperl.so Perl
> > library for mod_perl to work"
> > 
> > This isn't something I had to do on solaris, but dynamically loading
> > modules seems to be a common source of solaris fun.
> How are you compiling mod_perl and apache?
> Are you using crle to set the library path or are you setting
> LDFLAGS & CPPFLAGS before compiling?
> -- 
> Bruno                                                   http://mkdoc.com/
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