[webarch-wp] Brute force attacks on WordPress sites

Chris Croome chris at webarchitects.co.uk
Sat Nov 8 16:13:06 GMT 2014


There are huge numbers of brute force attacks on WordPress sites --
attempts to guess admin passwords -- happening against sites we are
hosting every day.

To reduce the chance of your sites being compromised could everybody

- Make sure you use good passwords

- Install a plugin to limit the rate at which these attacks can be run

  There are 10 suggested plugins at the URL above and I'd suggest every
  site should at least have one of these 5 plugins installed and
  configured to rate limit brute force attacks: 

  1. Brute Force Login Protection
     This writes to your .htaccess file however there are reports of it
     failing when servers are under high load, this shouldn't be an issue with
     our servers and the developer is working on a solution, but create
     a backup of your .htaccess file and revert to it if your site
     starts displaying server errors
  2. BruteProtect
     This is used to track every failed login attempt across all installed
     users of the plugin and it blocks that IP across the entire
     BruteProtect network
  3. WP fail2ban 
     This is an ideal solution for virtual servers, we might
     also support it on some shared servers at some point. 
  4. All In One WP Security & Firewall
     Lots of options, some which have the potential to break your site, if
     in doubt only enable the brute force login attack prevention feature
  5. WordFence Security
     Lots of features (don't install this if you want something simple)
     including two factor authentication with the Premium (paid for)

- Consider asking us to set up your site to use HTTPS to ensure your
  passwords are not transmitted unencrypted (and thus available to
  anyone eaves dropping on your connection). Prices here:

  - https://www.webarch.net/certs#certs
- Consider deploying some security by obscurity via these plugins: 

  1. Rename wp-login.php
     Simple security by obscurity to change the login URL
  2. Enforce Strong Password
     Forces all users to have a strong password when they're changing it on
     their profile page
  3. Admin renamer extended
     Use this if your admin username is "admin" 
  4. Lockdown WP Admin
     Security by obscurity by moving the admin URL also option to add
  5. Security-protection
     Uses Javascript to make it harder for bots to login

All the best


Webarchitects Co-operative
+44 114 276 9709

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