[webarch-websites] Using subversion to edit the Webarchitects new site content

Chris Croome chris at webarchitects.co.uk
Fri Dec 4 12:40:17 GMT 2015


Adam wants to be able to edit the content of the new, draft site, this
is how to do it, first check it out:

  svn co https://svn.webarch.net/webarchcoop/webarch-pure/

Then cd into the new webarch-pure directory and open the .shtml files in
a text editor to change them.

Note that the title of the page is contained in a variable at the top of the
page, for example:

  value="Webarchitects Co-operative" 

And the description / first sentence of the page is also in a variable (and
therefore can't contain HTML), for example:

  value="Webarchitects is a Sheffield based, small and friendly, multi-stakeholder co-operative which provides ethical and green, web hosting, virtual servers and GNU/Linux sysadmin support services."

The keywords variable is optional.

After the heading variables and an include simple HTML can be used, for
columns use the Pure grid system:


Or just leave the layout to me.

When you have made some changes you can commit these this this:

  svn ci file.shtml

The checked out version of the site, currently here,
http://pure2.wsh.webarch.net/ won't automatically change when you do
this -- email me to ask for it to be updated to the latest version of
the files.

You can browse the raw HTML here to check your changes have been committed:


All the best


Webarchitects Co-operative
+44 114 276 9709

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