[webarch-websites] Framework for a Nikola site

Chris Croome chris at webarchitects.co.uk
Thu Nov 13 12:50:27 GMT 2014

Hi Mark

On Thu 13-Nov-2014 at 09:29:25AM +0000, Mark Nielsen wrote:
> I'll try and have a play around with this over the weekend and
> add some better foundation CSS.  

Nice one.

I like the CSS this set of templates uses in terms of the page content:

- http://jekyllthemes.org/themes/pixyll/
- http://pixyll.com/jekyll/pixyll/2014/06/10/see-pixyll-in-action/

But wouldn't want to load external content like fonts, we need to use
free ones we can serve ourselves.

For navigation I think the way it works at http://jekyllrb.com/ could be
suitable -- see the right hand navigation menu on pages like these:

- http://jekyllrb.com/docs/home/
- http://jekyllrb.com/news/

When the pages is accessed with a narrow browser window the right hand
navigation changes to a select box at the top of the page and even works
with javascript disabled (though I can't see why, isn't this JS?
<select onchange="if (this.value) window.location.href=this.value">).

There is some discussion in the comments here regarding the
semantics of using a form for navigation and some alternatives:

- http://css-tricks.com/responsive-menu-concepts/

I'm undecided if having separate navigation menus for these 3 parts of
the site (I think it makes sense to view it as 3 sections like this)
would be best of if we should look at having nested menus:

- /docs/  Documentation   (should have lots of content added here..) 

- /news/  News            (should have lots of content added here...)

- /       Everything else (limited amount of content, hosting, sysadmin,
                           about pages)

The advantage of having 3 separate sets of navigation links is that we
wouldn't need nested navigation -- none of the Multi-level Navigation
examples listed here are really that great:

- https://bradfrost.github.io/this-is-responsive/patterns.html#nav-complex

I'll continue playing with Nikola...

> Do you have my current ssh public key (mark at howl)?

Yes thanks, I have added it to the git repo webarch-nikola and the
webarch-dev account so that "nikola deploy" should work for you.

All the best


Webarchitects Co-operative
+44 114 276 9709

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