[webarch-websites] Webarchitects website - - review date?

Nick Hardiman nick at internetmachines.co.uk
Mon Dec 22 22:37:28 GMT 2014

Sounds good.  We’re on the last lap. 

> On 19 Dec 2014, at 14:25, Jonathan <jonathan at webarch.net> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Chris, Adam and I would like to suggest the following: following Christmas and events/general work in early Jan, we propose:
> Monday 12 Jan (~say from 10am) we could all review the website work done so far, then discuss together online during that day, with a view to perhaps finalising it in that week or so, if possible?
> Adam reckons he'll have finished the prices review by then.
> Does this sound OK please?
> Regards
> Jonathan
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