[TripleStore] Re: SWAD-Europe Report: Mapping Semantic Web Data with RDBMSes

Chris Croome chris at webarchitects.co.uk
Tue Feb 18 12:24:18 GMT 2003

Hi Dave

I have copied this to the (so quite it's almost dead!) TripleStore
list, I hope that's OK.

On Tue 18-Feb-2003 at 12:04:02PM +0000, Dave Beckett wrote:
> >>>Chris Croome said:
> > 
> > You probably won't have come across this:
> > 
> >   Triplestore
> >   http://search.cpan.org/search?query=Triplestore
> I think I had actually...

Oh, cool :-)

> It seems somewhere between an RDF system and an SQL system, more
> like a foundation than particular RDF-based?  

Yes, I think that sums it up well.

> It could be used for Linda, Tuplespaces, JSpaces or other things
> that aren't necessary RDF.  This isn't really a criticism, since
> it is nice to get a focused app that deals with the messy SQL
> issues.
> I was more concentrating on decoding/testing various RDF apps and
> seeing what schemas they used internally - can be a bit of a
> nightmare of dependencies.
> Maybe the app that uses TripleStore would be interesting to see :)

It sure would! We haven't yet created one and I'm not aware of
anyone using it yet -- we do plan to use it to build applications
with when we get around to it :-) 

All the best


Chris Croome                               <chris at webarchitects.co.uk>
web design                             http://www.webarchitects.co.uk/ 
web content management                               http://mkdoc.com/   
everything else                               http://chris.croome.net/  

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