[Petal] Style Sheet difficulties

Grant McLean grant at mclean.net.nz
Thu May 5 21:59:26 BST 2005

On Thu, 2005-05-05 at 17:54 +0000, garry espe wrote:
> I have been experimenting with petal templates and perl.  I am having no luck
> incorporating style sheets.

> And here are the error messages in the apache log:
> [Thu May  5 11:22:02 2005] [error] [client]  Bareword found where
> operator expected at /var/www/perl/style.css line 2, near "5px"
> 	(Missing operator before px?)

It appears that your stylesheet is being interpreted as a Perl script.
This is definitely not a Petal problem, but possibly an Apache config

Are you calling Petal from a CGI script?  If so, the stylesheet probably
shouldn't be in the CGI directory.  Perhaps you could move it to the
docroot directory and change you template to include a leading /

  @import url(/style.css);

By the way, is there any reason why you're using import rather than a
<link> tag?:

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/style.css" />

If you're not using CGI, are you using mod_perl?  Perhaps you have a
Perl handler configured on a whole directory rather than just certain
file extensions?


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