[Petal] Petal temp files

William McKee william at knowmad.com
Tue Feb 15 21:56:18 GMT 2005

On Tue, Feb 15, 2005 at 08:31:13PM +0000, Fergal Daly wrote:
> It might be worth looking again at using one of the standard CPAN caching
> modules in Petal. Cache::Cache can handle storage limits automatically. I
> believe the argument against it was that it introduced external dependencies
> but with cpan doing all the work, I don't see a problem with that.

Yeah, I don't have much of a problem with extra dependencies. However,
I'd be more interested in seeing some effort spent in porting Petal to
work under TT3 rather than improving the current engine. There wasn't
much response to my previous suggestion along these lines.

There's even a conceptual example of using XML with TT3[1]. Basically,
we use an XML scanner to read the template and then parse it with either
Template::TT3::Parser or a subclass.

In the past, Jean-Michel had suggested using the TT stash as a way to
improve Petal's performance[2].  I'm not clear on how it would all work
but think that merging all the various templating engines into a master
system is "a good thing."


[1] http://tt3.template-toolkit.org/design/scanner.html#tt3scanner
[2] http://lists.webarch.co.uk/pipermail/petal/2003-January/000238.html

Knowmad Services Inc.

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