[Petal] Petal::Mail Encode

Jean-Michel Hiver jhiver at mkdoc.com
Fri Feb 27 23:27:12 GMT 2004

Colin Fallon wrote:

>I have been using Petal for a couple of months. It works well for me and
>I have decided to convert some older project to use it.
>Consequently today I have tried to use Petal::Mail for the first time
>but have found that it uses the Encode module. Encode requires Perl
>5.7.3 as a minimum but the ISP where this particular site is hosted uses
>Perl 5.6. Does anyone know if there is a way to use Petal::Mail without
Well there is a CPAN module called Encode::Compat. You could try doing:

use Encode::Compat;
use Petal::Mail;

and see what happens :)


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