[Petal] Petal::Mail Encode

William McKee william at knowmad.com
Fri Feb 27 22:57:00 GMT 2004

On Fri, Feb 27, 2004 at 09:52:10PM +0000, Colin Fallon wrote:
> Consequently today I have tried to use Petal::Mail for the first time
> but have found that it uses the Encode module. Encode requires Perl
> 5.7.3 as a minimum but the ISP where this particular site is hosted uses
> Perl 5.6. Does anyone know if there is a way to use Petal::Mail without
> Encode?

Hi Colin,

If you come up with a solution for this I'd love to know it. I came
across this same dilemma myself and decided to upgrade my server to
handle it because the project that will eventually use Petal::Mail will
be running on a fresh server.

However, I have not upgraded my production server yet which has several
projects that are still using Petal v1.06 (I've been wary of upgrading
to Petal 2.02 until I could figure out the issues with the nbsp entity;
I think I know how to handle it now and will probably be upgrading

At any rate, this is a good point. Perhaps Jean-Michel can provide some
insight. Perhaps P::M can use the same technique as Petal which only
requires Encode if Perl > 5.007 by using a BEGIN block. I'm just not
sure what it's providing.


Knowmad Services Inc.

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