[Petal] [Utils] Error log messages

William McKee william at knowmad.com
Mon Sep 8 16:16:31 BST 2003

Hi Steve,

I just installed Petal::Utils onto my webserver and am noticing that the
first run causes loads of error messages to get written to my logs. Any
ideas why this would be happening? I'm running Apache 1.3.28 with
mod_perl and Perl 5.6.1. I am using Apache::Registry to run the scripts.
Here's the beginning of one of the error messages:

installing Petal plugin: 'UpperCase' at /updater/lib/Knowmad/Application/Updater.pm line 59
	Knowmad::Application::Updater::BEGIN() called at /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.6.1/Petal/Utils.pm line 59

This occurs for each plugin being installed and includes the output of
my script that is being loaded by A::R. It looks like P::Utils is
causing the BEGIN block to get called each time a new plugin is loaded.
I'm going to start investigating it myself but wanted to post this to
see if you or anyone else could provide some insight.


Knowmad Services Inc.

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