[Petal] Another rewrite problem in Petal

Jean-Michel Hiver jhiver@mkdoc.com
Thu, 29 Aug 2002 15:22:39 +0100

> Jean-Michel,
> Another bug to add to the list. This time its a problem with how Petal 
> rewrites parameters. It is doing so without regard to case. This is a 
> problem for Javascript which is case-sensitive (at least in IE6 on WinNT). 
> I've updated and attached the usual test scripts.

Effectively it is a bug. Have you tried to change $Petal::INPUT to XML
instead of HTML?

I must admit that I never use Javascript, thus I could not spot that
problem. Kill javascript!!! :-) I suppose that the problem is for
attributes like onClick and onMouseOver...

> BTW, do you have any interest in keeping bug reports via CPAN 
> <http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/Bugs.html?Dist=Petal>? Considering the fact 
> that CPAN continues to show only version 0.2 of Petal available despite 
> the fact that your directory on CPAN shows all versions, I'd think not. 
> Seems like a waste of effort in some respects. I wonder if any modules are 
> using the request tracker system?

I never used it. I would rather use bugzilla, but for the moment the
mailing list is just doing fine. I can go in my Petal folder, do a limit
on the letters 'bug', and bang, I have my TODO list :-)

It's a shame that CPAN is even *MORE* wrecked than it used to be.

Anyway thanks a lot for your test cases!
I'll try to find sometime to figure out what's going on...

  Jean-Michel Hiver - Software Director
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