[MKDoc-users] Installation

ruus at freenet.de ruus at freenet.de
Wed Apr 7 13:13:13 BST 2004

Ok, i fixed the problem with the MySQL.

I am now at the point: Configuring your MKDoc system:

1. Change to your mkdoc directory:

      cd /var/www/mkdoc/mkdoc-1.6

my structure is this: /var/www/mkdoc-1.6.23
2. Initialise the server-wide MKDoc configuration file:

I did:
perl install-mkdoc.pl

which gave me this answer, but no httpd.conf:

print() on closed filehandler FP at install-mkdoc.pl line 18
Successfully created /var/www/mkdoc-1.6.23/tools/mksentenv.sh
At this point you should ad ...blablabla...
#MKDoc - All sites
Include /var/www/mkdoc-1.6.23/tools/conf/httpd.conf

   From now onwards, you will need to source this shell
   configuration file to preset MKDoc environmental variables before
   you can run any MKDoc commands-line tools:

      source /var/www/mkdoc/mkdoc-1.6/mksetenv.sh

I put his line into my
or should i take
/root/.profile  ?

I must say that i did not install the Image::Magick module.
I have installed the Mail::IMAPClient module, but i dont use Courier as 
MTA only for SSL connections to my Exim4 MTA.

Thanks in advance if someone finds time for a answer.

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