[MKDoc-users] message for new user

Roger Merritt mcrogerm at stjohn.ac.th
Wed Jun 4 08:13:50 BST 2003

At 05:34 PM 6/3/03, you wrote:
>hi roger,
>welcome to the list - i noticed from your email that you work in thailand 
>and thought this page on our testers site may interest you:
>let us know if you need any help
>all the best

Thanks. I'm currently having some problems getting all the perl modules I 
need to work, particularly the Unicode. I just got a suggestion from the 
FreeBSD list and will be working on installing perl 5.6.1 today and seeing 
if that works. I'm hoping to avoid upgrading to 5.8 until they bring 5.8.1 our.

At this point I'm not sure if I really need the Unicode capability. We want 
to discourage our students from using Thai and have them use English, but 
naturally they like to use their first language so it will be good to have. 
Actually, we haven't had any problems in the past using Thai fonts in Web 

I really like the look of your default templates, and one reason I wanted 
to try MkDoc was because it isn't primarily a blog. My boss has been 
mentioning for a couple of years that he wants an intranet, but I've been 
holding back because most of the teachers are technologically challenged. 
MkDoc looks like it might solve the problem.


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