[MKDoc-dev] ECommmerce system description

Bruno Postle bruno at mkdoc.com
Thu Oct 21 18:53:08 BST 2004

MKDoc-1.6 has a fully functional E-Commerce system for building 
online shops, there is currently no documentation.  This is a basic 
description of the system for anyone who wants to pick it up.


The basic unit of MKDoc is the 'document', a document has a URL that 
ends in '/'.  Documents have 'content' which is a series of 
'components' such as 'text', 'link' etc..

Say I was selling an MKDoc T-shirt, I'd create a document for it 
containing a nice image and maybe some descriptive text.  The 
T-shirt might come in several colours each with their own stock 
reference and price, so for each of these variations I need to add a 
price component - Everything else is configuration of MKDoc 

Configuration for MKDoc-1.6

The various files referred-to in this document can be found here:


Extra plugins

This is going to require some extra MKDoc ECommerce plugins for both 
the 'www' and 'users' interfaces, so create a directory to hold the 
new plugin-list configuration files, copy the defaults to start 

  mkdir $SITE_DIR/conf
  cp $MKDOC_DIR/conf/www.conf $SITE_DIR/conf
  cp $MKDOC_DIR/conf/users.conf $SITE_DIR/conf

Then add some more plugins to each list, somewhere near the top 
after flo::plugin::URI_Normalize:


Notice that this configuration is for WorldPay, other payment 
gateways will require different 'Order::' plugins.

Configure MKDoc to use these new configuration files by changing the 
$MKD__PLUGIN_LIST setting for each of the 'www' and 'users' 
virtualhosts in $SITE_DIR/httpd.conf:

  SetEnv MKD__PLUGIN_LIST $SITE_DIR/conf/www.conf
  SetEnv MKD__PLUGIN_LIST $SITE_DIR/conf/users.conf

The shopping basket is stored as a cookie for anonymous visitors and 
in the session for logged-in users.  Add some cookie configuration 
to the 'www' virtualhost:

  PerlModule Apache::DBI
  PerlModule MKDoc::Session
  PerlModule MKDoc::ECommerce::Basket
  PerlModule MKDoc::ECommerce::Item
      $::cache_count = sub {
          return MKDoc::ECommerce::Basket::mkdoc_apache_cache_count();

      $::cache_cookie_sent = sub {
          return MKDoc::Session->load();

..and some simpler session configuration for the 'users' 

  PerlModule Apache::DBI
  PerlModule MKDoc::Session


MKDoc::Apache_Cache needs to be configured as usual except with 
these differences:

Two extra configuration settings are required in 

  PerlSetEnv  MKDoc_Apache_Cache_NOEXPIRES        "1"
  PerlSetEnv  MKDoc_Apache_Cache_NOCOOKIES        "1"

The cache_policy.txt file needs to look something like this:

  CONDITION cookie_sent   defined $::cache_cookie_sent->()
  CONDITION is_user       $ENV{MKD__PLUGIN_LIST} =~ /users\.conf$/
  CONDITION is_document   $ENV{PATH_INFO} =~ /\/$/
  CONDITION is_sitemap    $ENV{PATH_INFO} =~ /\.sitemap.html/
  CONDITION always_true   "true"

  RET_VALUE zero          "0"
  RET_VALUE four_hours    4*3600
  RET_VALUE document_id   $::cache_count->() . ':' . $ENV{PATH_INFO}
  RET_VALUE no_query      $ENV{PATH_INFO} || '_'
  RET_VALUE noop          "noop"

  RULE zero noop                  WHEN is_user
  RULE four_hours document_id     WHEN is_document cookie_sent
  RULE four_hours no_query        WHEN is_sitemap
  RULE zero noop                  WHEN always_true

Make sure that the deprecated flo::plugin::Cache::Reader and 
flo::plugin::Cache::Writer are not enabled in the www.conf file.

Pricing and payment configuration

Add these lines to $SITE_DIR/httpd/httpd-env.conf:

  SetEnv      ECOMMERCE_INSTID          "12345"
  SetEnv      ECOMMERCE_CURRENCY        "GBP"
  SetEnv      ECOMMERCE_SECRET          "mysecret"
  SetEnv      ECOMMERCE_BILLING_RULES   "$SITE_DIR/conf/ecommerce.list.conf"
  SetEnv      MKD__ECOMMERCE_STOCK_URI  "http://stock.example.com/cgi-bin/query.cgi"

The billing rules are expressed as an MKDoc::Control_List file, 
there is a basic one supplied in the tarball, copy that into place:

  cp example.com/conf/ecommerce.list.conf $SITE_DIR/conf

Notice that MKD__ECOMMERCE_STOCK_URI refers to a stock control cgi 
script which can be queried for stock status, an example server is 
included in the tarball.  Note that if you don't set up a stock 
server, all your items will appear to be out of stock.

Custom Templates

Custom templates are required, copy a set representing a basic shop 

 cp -a example.com/resources/templates/* $SITE_DIR/resources/templates/

Select appropriate templates for items, category pages etc..  
otherwise the default plain templates will be used which will not 
display price components or summaries.

Custom CSS

Some custom skinning is required, copy the basic one supplied in the 

  cp -a example.com/resources/skin/* $SITE_DIR/resources/skin/

..and change the matching Aliases for each of the virtualhosts in 
$SITE_DIR/httpd/httpd.conf to suit:

  Alias /.static/css    /var/www/mkdoc/example.com/resources/skin

That's it, don't forget to restart apache.  Any questions, 
corrections or updates should be directed to the mkdoc-dev mailing 

Configuration for MKDoc-1.8

In the current development version of MKDOc, the shop functionality 
has been removed from the MKDoc CMS, and put into the 
MKDoc-ECommerce CVS module, this currently needs reintegration.


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