[MKDoc-admin] Home page does not appear

Chris Croome chris at webarchitects.co.uk
Fri Feb 7 15:01:44 GMT 2003

Hi Gwil

I hope it's OK that I have copied this to the list -- someone else
might have some better ideas than me.

On Fri 07-Feb-2003 at 02:15:55PM -0000, g.t.selwood at adm.leeds.ac.uk
> I've got Mike Preston to empty the SQL database but unfortunately
> I still can't edit the homepage as 
>  - It doesn't exist

Re-running the install script might be the best thing to do at this
stage, it creates the home page as the only document in the

>  - no editor bar appears to say "new"

Can you get this page:


> The search and sitemap don't come up any more and I get the file
> not found thing ( displayed without stylesheet) when I ask for 
> http://editor.equality.leeds.ac.uk/ or indeed anything else.
> Files don't seem to load from the cache either

Oh no what a mess! 

I don't understand why the style sheet isn't being loaded -- it is
OK if you request it directly:


One thought I have had about the pronblem you did have with the
search not returning the home page is that the search index needs to
be build on a regulat basin with a cron job -- perhaps this wasn't
set up?

> Is there anything else I can get Mark to do or is there anything
> you can do via ftp ?

I think for this shell (ssh) access would probably ne needed to sort
things out.


Chris Croome                               <chris at webarchitects.co.uk>
web design                             http://www.webarchitects.co.uk/ 
web content management                               http://mkdoc.com/   
everything else                               http://chris.croome.net/  

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