[INFO] HTMLspam 0.1 (was Re: test drive HTMLspam)

Paul Arzul patricka at mkdoc.com
Tue Feb 25 12:42:18 GMT 2003

Kevin Morris wrote:
> Ive got the usercontent.css in my chrome folder, and started htmlspam
> profile, but doesn't seem to be any different.

ok, i've tried *everything* i can think of to make this work, including
javascript hell parsing and appending dom generated source
fragments (with and without frames) - but it seems you can't even
*read* another (remote) site's/frame's source.

the real issue is that mozilla based browsers (mozilla, netscape, gecko,
phoenix, etc) do NOT support *remote* user stylesheets.

please go vote for the bug to be fixed:


- p

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