[TripleStore] Re: SWAD-Europe Report: Mapping Semantic Web Data with RDBMSes

Chris Croome chris at webarchitects.co.uk
Thu Feb 20 12:54:21 GMT 2003


I have a limited understanding of RDF and even less understanding of

But if the way that Jean-Michel has set up the TripleStore means that it
won't be easy for someone else to create a module which can use it to
store RDF triples then perhaps it need some re-working?

Sorry if I'm completely missing the point...


Chris Croome                               <chris at webarchitects.co.uk>
web design                             http://www.webarchitects.co.uk/ 
web content management                               http://mkdoc.com/   
everything else                               http://chris.croome.net/  

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