[Petal] using $ in petal

Jonathan Vanasco jon at 2xlp.com
Wed Mar 29 17:37:47 BST 2006

On Mar 29, 2006, at 3:55 AM, Fergal Daly wrote:

> Petal is not strict TAL, it also includes some "features" like
> $variable being the same as <span petal:replace="variable" />. So I
> guess $aa is being replaced it's value (ie blank), my guess is that
> something in the parser is wrong so it doesn't correctly recognise
> single letter variables with $,

Are there any known workarounds?  I can't seem to figure out any way  
to put the string $abc into a document

\$var didn't work
$$var didn't work

$ isn't a standard html entity - its a 'special character' and not  
widely supported
&dollar; is on some spec sheets, but i haven't found a browser that  
shows it
&#036; is the equiv, but Petal seems to parse  it as a $ for  
interpolation ( so $a works, but $a[a]* doesn't )

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