[Petal] Re: help for cpan modules etc..

Chris Croome chris at webarchitects.co.uk
Tue Sep 21 22:56:10 BST 2004


On Tue 21-Sep-2004 at 05:35:38PM -0400, William McKee wrote:
> Go for it Matt! Things have been pretty quiet on the list lately,
> not because we're not using Petal; it's just working so well (at
> least for me).

Yes, things have been fairly stable of late :-)

One feature that Jean-Michel was working on before he left and I'm
fairly sure it's not 100% complete, is support for Petal doing i18n
of the templates on the fly... See here for more info:


In terms of more medium term things to think about, these things
spring to mind:

- There are perhaps some TAL compatability issues that it might make
  sense to iron out and it might make sense to use the same
  namespace as Zope uses...? 

- Intergration with other things like AXKit, Mason and HTML::Template --
  could it be made easier for people to use Petal with other perl

- Switching to SAX rather than XML::Parser?

- Perhaps the i18n stuff should be done by a seperate module?

Matt -- what are your thoughts about the future of Petal?


Chris Croome                               <chris at webarchitects.co.uk>
web design                             http://www.webarchitects.co.uk/ 
web content management                               http://mkdoc.com/   

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