[Petal] More on entities and Â

Chris Croome chris at webarchitects.co.uk
Tue May 4 14:35:28 BST 2004


On Tue 04-May-2004 at 08:35:13 +1200, Grant McLean wrote:
> I've heard that not all browsers honour the charset suffix on the
> Content-type header so it might not be worth the effort.  The meta tag
> has the advantage of staying with the document if the user does a
> 'Save-as', whereas the HTTP header would be lost.

IE _never_ takes _any_ notice of the charset in the HTTP headers,
therefore it is essential to use a meta element in the document (in the
same way that it doesn't really care about what mime type things are
served as, file extensions are the only things apart from the content of
the file it looks at).

However as fas as I'm aware all other broswers to follow the HTTP
specification (where the charset in the headers takes prescdent over the
charset set in the document) so it is important to use both and to have
their values the same!


Chris Croome                               <chris at webarchitects.co.uk>
web design                             http://www.webarchitects.co.uk/ 
web content management                               http://mkdoc.com/   

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