[Petal] Modifiers and variables

Jean-Michel Hiver jhiver at mkdoc.com
Wed Aug 18 14:49:40 BST 2004

>Cool, but I have to agree with Jean-Michel that I'd prefer the args not
>be automatically parsed. However, I'm interested in your code that does
>the parsing of the tokens. In the following line, has $TOKEN_RE already
>been defined in Petal or is this coming from Petal::CodePerl?
>    my @tokens = $argument =~ /($TOKEN_RE)/gsm;
If memory serves, 's' means that '.' also matches carriage returns, 
while 'm' means that ^ and $ match the beginning of string (as opposed 
to line) and the end of string (as opposed to line) respectively. Or 
maybe it's the reverse :-)

I always use both when dealing with multiline string 'cause it works for 

As for $TOKEN_RE, take a look at Petal/Hash/String.pm

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