[Petal] entity euro hurts

Michele Beltrame mb at italpro.net
Sun Apr 25 19:45:29 BST 2004


> You can try setting $Petal::INPUT to "iso-8859-1" and see if that works...

This doesn't seem to work, as $Petal::INPUT seems to only accept
"HTML", "XHTML", ...

I tried using the decode_charset parameter, and setting it to iso-8859-1,
but that just cause the processing to halt, and the page to not appear.

After all this, I decided to save my templates in UTF-8 and... the problem
is still there! If I insert an € (Euro) sign or an "€" entity in
my template, then none of the other entites work anymore (and not even
the Euro one does). This problems happens **only**with the Euro entity,
as it seems Petal is eprfectly able to handle celtic os ( ø ) and other


Michele Beltrame
ICQ# 76660101 - e-mail: mb at italpro.net

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