[Petal] Petal 0.5
Evan Simpson
Tue, 06 Aug 2002 10:50:17 -0500
Jean-Michel Hiver wrote:
> Where can I subscribe to this mailing list?
> Or at least browse the archives?
It's fairly Zope-heavy, though.
> One thing in these specs which I'll probably never follow from your
> specs is doubling special characters. I think backslashing them is an
> awful lot better, you can always backslash any character if you're in
> doubt.
I can understand that. I've been thinking more and more about the need
for an escaping convention.
> Another thing I've been wondering about is the 'structure' keyword. I
> cannot figure out if it's in the TAL or the TALES specification. It
> looks to me like a bit of a hack... Can you tell me more about it?
It's part of TAL, since it is only meaningful for 'content' and
'replace' and tells those statements *not* to do something they would
otherwise do. Example:
<p tal:define="line string:<hr>">
One <tal:line replace="line" /> Two
<tal:line replace="structure line" /> Three
One <hr> Two
<hr> Three
Note that 'attributes' can't have 'structure', because XML attributes
must be escaped.
Evan @ 4-am