[multikulti-tech] Interview

helen.tarbitt at scmh.org.uk helen.tarbitt at scmh.org.uk
Wed Feb 25 16:38:42 GMT 2004

Email = helen.tarbitt at scmh.org.uk
Message = For Koku Adomza, Director, Greenwich Network Trusts.  I have had difficulty getting through on the phone lines.

What the interviews are about
The Oxleas NHS Trust should have written to you to advise that they have

asked the Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health (SCMH) to conduct a detailed

assessment of need in the area and to review services and resources.

   Interviews with stakeholders
SCMH will agree a number of interviews to be conducted with a broad range

of key stakeholders and in addition some stakeholder events will be agreed.

Key stakeholders would include

   service users representatives (via events with existing forums)
   carer representatives(via events with existing forums)
   clinicians and lead clinicians
   service, sector and senior level management (SSD & Health)
   PCT representatives
   non-statutory sector providers
The Interviews would collect data on perspectives and experiences, and will
also be used to collect factual data to build the service map. The issue of
met and unmet need will also be explored.

Can you please contact me to advise your availability for a one hour long
interview at your office.

Further information regarding the interview will be sent prior to this


Tel: 020 7827 8321 (Direct Line)
Fax: 020 7403 9482
Name = Helen Tarbitt
Organisation = The Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health
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Subject = Interview
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