[MKSearch-dev] Sample database storage configuration and scripts

Chris Croome chris at webarchitects.co.uk
Wed Jan 11 14:11:23 GMT 2006


Ahhh, I hadn't changed Phil to chris in $mk_home/src/app/WEB-INF/web.xml
...but still I have:

  mksearch_test=# select * from literals;
  ERROR:  relation "literals" does not exist

I have attached the output of this command:

  sh $mk_home/bin/java-jspider-mysql.sh http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/index.html rdfstoredb

And there are some error at the start which I don't understand but which
probably point to the problem...

I'm not around this afternoon... I'll continue with this tomorrow...


Chris Croome                               <chris at webarchitects.co.uk>
web design                             http://www.webarchitects.co.uk/ 
web content management                               http://mkdoc.com/   
-------------- next part --------------
Loading 2 plugins.
Loading plugin configuration 'console'...
first trying to instantiate via ctr with (name, config) params
plugin 'console' prefix is '[Plugin]'
adding space after prefix
Prefix set to '[Plugin] '
plugin instantiated.
Plugin not configured for local event filtering
Plugin Name    : Console writer JSpider module
Plugin Version : v1.0
Plugin Vendor  : http://www.javacoding.net
Loading plugin configuration 'rdfstore'...
first trying to instantiate via ctr with (name, config) params
cannot instantiate module - constructor with name and PropertySet params not found
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: <init>
plugin not yet instantiated, trying via ctr with (config) param
Custom application profile com.mkdoc.schema.UKeGMSProfile loaded.
Error casting to StoreManager. Check your configuration file. Could not create repository. Unable to load JDBC-driver 'org.postgresql.Driver'
plugin instantiated.
Plugin not configured for local event filtering
Plugin Name    : XHTML metadata RDF store plugin for JSpider
Plugin Version : v0.8
Plugin Vendor  : http://www.mkdoc.com
Loaded 2 plugins.
Global Event Dispatcher configuring...
EventFilter for engine events = net.javacoding.jspider.mod.eventfilter.AllowAllEventFilter
EventFilter for monitor events = net.javacoding.jspider.mod.eventfilter.AllowAllEventFilter
EventFilter for spider events = net.javacoding.jspider.mod.eventfilter.AllowAllEventFilter
EventDispatcher Global Event Dispatcher configured.
Global Event Dispatcher intializing...
Global Event Dispatcher intialized.
Storage provider class is 'class net.javacoding.jspider.core.storage.memory.InMemoryStorageProvider'
rule net.javacoding.jspider.mod.rule.OnlyHttpProtocolRule hasn't got a config-param constructor
added rule net.javacoding.jspider.mod.rule.OnlyHttpProtocolRule to spider ruleset
rule net.javacoding.jspider.mod.rule.TextHtmlMimeTypeOnlyRule hasn't got a config-param constructor
added rule net.javacoding.jspider.mod.rule.TextHtmlMimeTypeOnlyRule to parser ruleset
default user Agent is 'MKSearch 0.1 (http://www.mksearch.mkdoc.org)'
TaskScheduler provider class is 'class net.javacoding.jspider.core.task.impl.DefaultSchedulerProvider'
Spider born - threads: spiders: 1, thinkers: 1
Worker thread (Spider 0) born
Worker thread (Thinker 0) born
[Plugin] Module : Console writer JSpider module
[Plugin] Version: v1.0
[Plugin] Vendor : http://www.javacoding.net
[Plugin] Spidering Started, baseURL = http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/index.html
using userAgent 'MKSearch 0.1 (http://www.mksearch.mkdoc.org)' for site 'http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org'
rule net.javacoding.jspider.mod.rule.InternallyReferencedOnlyRule hasn't got a config-param constructor
added rule net.javacoding.jspider.mod.rule.InternallyReferencedOnlyRule to spider ruleset
rule net.javacoding.jspider.mod.rule.BaseSiteOnlyRule hasn't got a config-param constructor
added rule net.javacoding.jspider.mod.rule.BaseSiteOnlyRule to parser ruleset
[Plugin] site discovered : http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org
[Plugin] net.javacoding.jspider.api.event.site.RobotsTXTSkippedEvent RobotsTXTSkippedEvent for site [Site: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org - ROBOTSTXT_SKIPPED *]
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/index.html
Thinker task dispatcher running ...
Spider task dispatcher running ...
Throttle provider class is 'class net.javacoding.jspider.core.throttle.impl.DistributedLoadThrottleProvider'
throttle interval set to 500 ms.
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/index.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 11581 37 ms
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 0%, busy: 100%], size: 1
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
site http://dublincore.org must not be handled.
[Plugin] site discovered : http://dublincore.org
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://dublincore.org/documents/2000/08/15/dcq-html/
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-All.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-CoverageDCMIBox.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-CoverageDCMIPeriod.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-CoverageDCMIPoint.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-CoverageISO3166.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-CoverageTGN.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-CoverageW3C-DTF.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-DateW3C-DTF.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-DateDCMIPeriod.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-FormatIMT.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-IdentifierURI.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-LanguageISO639-2.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-LanguageRFC1766.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-RelationURI.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-RightsURI.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-SourceURI.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-SubjectDDC.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-SubjectLCC.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-SubjectLCSH.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-SubjectMeSH.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-SubjectUDC.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-TypeDCMIType.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://dublincore.org/documents/2003/11/30/dcq-html/
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-All.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-CoverageDCMIBox.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-CoverageDCMIPeriod.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-CoverageDCMIPoint.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-CoverageISO3166.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-CoverageTGN.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-CoverageW3C-DTF.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-DateW3C-DTF.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-DateDCMIPeriod.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-FormatIMT.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-IdentifierURI.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-LanguageISO639-2.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-LanguageRFC1766.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-RelationURI.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-RightsURI.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-SourceURI.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-SubjectDDC.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-SubjectLCC.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-SubjectLCSH.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-SubjectMeSH.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-SubjectUDC.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-TypeDCMIType.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-All.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AccessibilityW3CWAI.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AggregationIEEELOM.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AudienceEducationLevelEGMSAES.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AudienceEducationLevelIEEELOM.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AudienceEGMSAES.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AudienceIEEELOM.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AudienceMediatorEGMSAES.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AudienceMediatorIEEELOM.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-ContributorGovernmentDataStandardsCatalogue.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-CoverageGovernmentDataStandardsCatalogue.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-CoverageONSSNAC.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-LocationCurrentGovernmentDataStandardsCatalogue.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-LocationGovernmentDataStandardsCatalogue.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-LocationHomeGovernmentDataStandardsCatalogue.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-PublisherGovernmentDataStandardsCatalogue.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-RightsDisclosabilityToDPADataSubjectYesNo.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-RightsDPADataSubjectAccess-ExemptionYesNo.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-RightsEIRDisclosabilityIndicatorYesNo.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-RightsEIRExemptionYesNo.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-RightsFOIDisclosabilityIndicatorYesNo.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-RightsFOIExemptionYesNo.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-StatusIEEELOM.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-SubjectCategoryERIC.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-SubjectCategoryGCL.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-SubjectERIC.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-SubjectKeywordERIC.html
[Plugin] resource discovered: http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-TypeEGMSTES.html
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/index.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 0%, busy: 100%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-All.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 2298 12 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-All.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-CoverageDCMIBox.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 597 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-CoverageDCMIBox.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-CoverageDCMIPeriod.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 528 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-CoverageDCMIPeriod.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] Job monitor: 55% (85/154)  [S:5% (4/73) | T:100% (81/81)] [blocked:0] [assigned:2]
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-CoverageDCMIPoint.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 547 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-CoverageDCMIPoint.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-CoverageISO3166.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 479 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-CoverageISO3166.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-CoverageTGN.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 469 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-CoverageTGN.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-CoverageW3C-DTF.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 485 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-CoverageW3C-DTF.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-DateW3C-DTF.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 473 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-DateW3C-DTF.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-DateDCMIPeriod.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 514 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-DateDCMIPeriod.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-FormatIMT.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 463 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-FormatIMT.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-IdentifierURI.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 538 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-IdentifierURI.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-LanguageISO639-2.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 482 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-LanguageISO639-2.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-LanguageRFC1766.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 483 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-LanguageRFC1766.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] Job monitor: 66% (115/174)  [S:19% (14/73) | T:100% (101/101)] [blocked:0] [assigned:2]
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-RelationURI.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 517 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-RelationURI.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-RightsURI.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 523 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-RightsURI.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-SourceURI.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 518 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-SourceURI.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-SubjectDDC.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 464 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-SubjectDDC.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-SubjectLCC.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 472 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-SubjectLCC.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-SubjectLCSH.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 473 8 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-SubjectLCSH.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-SubjectMeSH.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 476 8 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-SubjectMeSH.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-SubjectUDC.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 464 8 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-SubjectUDC.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-TypeDCMIType.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 474 8 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-old-TypeDCMIType.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-All.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 2402 12 ms
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 0%, busy: 100%], size: 1
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-All.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] Job monitor: 74% (145/194)  [S:32% (24/73) | T:100% (121/121)] [blocked:0] [assigned:2]
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-CoverageDCMIBox.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 605 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-CoverageDCMIBox.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-CoverageDCMIPeriod.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 536 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-CoverageDCMIPeriod.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-CoverageDCMIPoint.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 555 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-CoverageDCMIPoint.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-CoverageISO3166.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 487 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-CoverageISO3166.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-CoverageTGN.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 477 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-CoverageTGN.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-CoverageW3C-DTF.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 493 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-CoverageW3C-DTF.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-DateW3C-DTF.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 481 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-DateW3C-DTF.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-DateDCMIPeriod.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 522 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-DateDCMIPeriod.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-FormatIMT.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 476 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-FormatIMT.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-IdentifierURI.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 546 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-IdentifierURI.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] Job monitor: 81% (175/214)  [S:46% (34/73) | T:100% (141/141)] [blocked:0] [assigned:2]
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-LanguageISO639-2.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 490 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-LanguageISO639-2.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-LanguageRFC1766.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 491 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-LanguageRFC1766.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-RelationURI.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 525 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-RelationURI.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-RightsURI.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 531 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-RightsURI.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-SourceURI.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 526 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-SourceURI.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-SubjectDDC.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 472 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-SubjectDDC.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-SubjectLCC.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 481 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-SubjectLCC.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-SubjectLCSH.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 481 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-SubjectLCSH.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-SubjectMeSH.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 484 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-SubjectMeSH.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-SubjectUDC.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 473 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-SubjectUDC.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] Job monitor: 87% (205/234)  [S:60% (44/73) | T:100% (161/161)] [blocked:0] [assigned:2]
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-TypeDCMIType.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 482 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-new-TypeDCMIType.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-All.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 2685 12 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-All.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AccessibilityW3CWAI.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 454 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AccessibilityW3CWAI.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AggregationIEEELOM.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 444 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AggregationIEEELOM.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AudienceEducationLevelEGMSAES.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 469 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AudienceEducationLevelEGMSAES.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AudienceEducationLevelIEEELOM.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 464 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AudienceEducationLevelIEEELOM.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AudienceEGMSAES.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 444 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AudienceEGMSAES.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AudienceIEEELOM.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 441 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AudienceIEEELOM.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AudienceMediatorEGMSAES.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 448 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AudienceMediatorEGMSAES.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AudienceMediatorIEEELOM.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 448 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-AudienceMediatorIEEELOM.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] Job monitor: 92% (235/254)  [S:73% (54/73) | T:100% (181/181)] [blocked:0] [assigned:2]
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-ContributorGovernmentDataStandardsCatalogue.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 522 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/dc-ContributorGovernmentDataStandardsCatalogue.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-CoverageGovernmentDataStandardsCatalogue.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 506 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-CoverageGovernmentDataStandardsCatalogue.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-CoverageONSSNAC.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 469 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-CoverageONSSNAC.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-LocationCurrentGovernmentDataStandardsCatalogue.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 606 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-LocationCurrentGovernmentDataStandardsCatalogue.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-LocationGovernmentDataStandardsCatalogue.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 558 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-LocationGovernmentDataStandardsCatalogue.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-LocationHomeGovernmentDataStandardsCatalogue.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 597 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-LocationHomeGovernmentDataStandardsCatalogue.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-PublisherGovernmentDataStandardsCatalogue.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 516 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-PublisherGovernmentDataStandardsCatalogue.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-RightsDisclosabilityToDPADataSubjectYesNo.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 494 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-RightsDisclosabilityToDPADataSubjectYesNo.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-RightsDPADataSubjectAccess-ExemptionYesNo.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 509 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-RightsDPADataSubjectAccess-ExemptionYesNo.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-RightsEIRDisclosabilityIndicatorYesNo.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 500 7 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-RightsEIRDisclosabilityIndicatorYesNo.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] Job monitor: 96% (265/274)  [S:87% (64/73) | T:100% (201/201)] [blocked:0] [assigned:2]
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-RightsEIRExemptionYesNo.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 458 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-RightsEIRExemptionYesNo.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-RightsFOIDisclosabilityIndicatorYesNo.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 500 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-RightsFOIDisclosabilityIndicatorYesNo.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-RightsFOIExemptionYesNo.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 458 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-RightsFOIExemptionYesNo.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-StatusIEEELOM.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 433 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-StatusIEEELOM.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-SubjectCategoryERIC.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 453 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-SubjectCategoryERIC.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-SubjectCategoryGCL.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 462 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-SubjectCategoryGCL.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-SubjectERIC.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 437 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-SubjectERIC.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-SubjectKeywordERIC.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 448 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-SubjectKeywordERIC.html parsed (handled)
[Plugin] ThreadPool Thinkers occupation:0% [idle: 100%, blocked: 0%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] ThreadPool Spiders occupation:100% [idle: 0%, blocked: 100%, busy: 0%], size: 1
[Plugin] 200 - http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-TypeEGMSTES.html - text/html; charset=UTF-8 423 6 ms
Error parsing input stream. Null arguments not permitted.
[Plugin] http://test.mksearch.mkdoc.org/meta/scheme/egms-TypeEGMSTES.html parsed (handled)
Thinker task dispatcher dying ...
Spider task dispatcher dying ...
Stopping spider workers...
Stopped spider workers...
Stopping thinker workers...
Stopped thinker workers...
known urls ............. : 75

  visited urls ........... : 73
    parsed urls ............ : 73
    parse ignored urls ..... : 0
    parse error urls ....... : 0

  not visited urls ....... : 2
    fetching ignored urls .. : 2
    forbidden urls ......... : 0
    fetch error urls ....... : 0

  not yet  visited urls .. : 0
[Plugin] Spidering Stopped
Global Event Dispatcher shutting down.
Global Event Dispatcher shutdown.
Spidering done!
Elapsed time : 39436
Worker thread (Spider 0) dying
Worker thread (Thinker 0) dying

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