[MKSearch-dev] Week 55 round up

Phil Shaw phil at mkdoc.com
Fri Oct 28 18:14:42 BST 2005

I fixed a long standing problem with the Hansel test coverage 
configuration this week, which meant that coverage statistics dropped 
to 57%. In the course of the week I've brought that back up to 88%. 
There are a few more classes to cover, but there 4 classes I do not 
plan to test now.

I'm starting to prepare some notes for an announcement and the lists 
this can go to. If you can think of any more, please shout.

* DC General, DC Tools
* W3C RDF 
* Sesame forum
* GCJ developers
* Fedora Java
* Classpath X
* JSpider developers
* JTidy developers

There are new copies of the distributions in Subversion:


How to:


Best regards,


Tuesday 25 October
Checked in some left-overs from Friday. Created first draft beta 1 
release notes with licences for MKSearch and package dependencies. 
Deleted original versions of GNU JAXP package and JTidy, superseded 
by the 1.3 release and CVS versions respectively.

Wednesday 26 October
Added further release notes, including URLs and licence details, and 
a summary of the current state of the distribution. Amended the Ant 
build file to make further refinements to the inclusion and exclusion 
of files from the repository. Re-made the pre-release beta 1 
distributions with licences and release notes, including the latest 
versions of the MKSearch JAR and WARs.

Removed an un-used HTTPHeader type reference from the JSpider class 
CookieUtil. Created coverage tests for the draft ImportListener class 
and StoreQueryResult.

Thursday 27 October
Added coverage tests for AbstractLocalRepositoryManager, with minimal 
MockLocalRepositoryManager. Completed coverage tests for 

Friday 28 October
Added mkHome environment variable to the Java command line in the Ant 
scripts to overcome a long-standing problem running Hansel coverage 
analysis on the com.mkdoc.jspider package. This is necessary for the 
plugin test classes, but brought the overall coverage figure down to 

Completed coverage tests for XhtmlQueryContext, TextQueryContext and 
RssQueryContext. Extended the XhtmlQueryContext coverage test to 
include AbstractQueryContext, since all the methods are covered in 
the primary test suite. Completed coverage tests for 
HtmlAndRdfMimeTypeOnlyRule and RdfOnlyMimeTypeRule. Required the 
completion of MockSpiderContext, MockStorage, MockResourceDAO and 
MockSite to create a working simulation of the JSpider indexing 

Made some amendments to PluginApplicationContext, 
ServletApplicationContext and AbstractApplicationContext to test the 
absolute path of files. Added coverage tests for SimpleQuery.

Completed coverage tests for TextResultRenderer and 
RssResultRenderer, with a minor amendment, plus NullQueryResult and 

Simplified the package declaration in the Hansel coverage test build 
to com.mkdoc.* now the cause of the JSpider package exception is 

MKSearch (alpha)


Free, open source metadata search engine with RDF storage and query.

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