[MKSearch-dev] Week 41 round up

Phil Shaw phil at mkdoc.com
Mon Jul 25 14:10:20 BST 2005

Looking back at last week. I now have basic result page handling 
working alongside the query builder, so the result page re-constructs 
the query form. There's a little bug at the moment, the primary 
search field is repeated but it shouldn't take long to track down.

Best regards,


Extended coverage tests for SoreManagerFactory to include the 
newStoreQueryManager method with a new MockStoreQueryManager for 
testing. Extended coverage tests for AbstractRepositoryManager and 
stripped out all former Sesame-related imports from HttpQuery.  

Created a new QueryResultTag, partly by refactoring HttpQuery to move 
functions back to static methods of AbstractMKDocServlet: 
getResultsRenderer(HttpServletRequest). Added a new 
renderQueryResult(JspWriter) method to the ResultRenderer interface. 
All existing unit tests pass.  

Tidied up various JavaDoc comments and removed unused imports 
following recent refactors. Marked the com.mkdoc.sesame package 
ResultsRenderer types deprecated in favour of the com.mkdoc.query 
package versions.  

Added a mode argument to the ResultRenderer interface, with "full" 
document or "insert" options. Also added a mode attribute to 
QueryResultTag and made an entry in the MKSearch tag library for it.

Created TextQueryResult.jsp and XhtmlQueryResult.jsp pages with the 
QueryBuilderTag and QueryResultTag. Changed HttpQuery so that it 
serves as a controller for the relevant query result page and updated 
relevant unit tests. Created a MockRequestDispatcher and added it to 
MockServletRequest for testing the new version of HttpQuery. Added a 
getOutput method to MockServletResponse. 

Completed coverage tests for the new AbstractMKDocServlet methods, 
getApplicationContext, getResultRenderer and getQueryBuilder. 

Introduced a new store directory constant to the ApplicationContext 
interface and a method getStoreDirectory to get a File reference to 
the directory. Updated the concrete implementations accordingly and 
removed the last JSpider class references from 
AbstractDatabaseStoreManager and AbstractFileStoreManager. Corrected 
a missing close XHTML table tag in QueryBuilderTag.  

MKSearch (alpha)


Free, open source metadata search engine with RDF storage and query.

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