[MKSearch-dev] Week 39 round up

Phil Shaw phil at mkdoc.com
Tue Jul 12 14:16:10 BST 2005

A catch-up for last week. I made some big steps forward in the front 
end of the system. The query interface is quite presentable, 
and I completed some broad changes that will pave the way for a 
similar treatment for the results pages.

Best regards,


Made some slight adjustments and corrections to the CSS for the query 
interface. Checked the styling in Firefox and IE and found it 
remarkably consistent. Completed coverage tests for the 
QueryBuilderTag class with minor modifications to 
AbstractSchemaProperty and DublinCoreTerms. Introduced a new 
AbstractXhtmlTag with markup constants.  

Created test documents for the new Dublin Core qualified terms: 
accrual method, accrual periodicity, accrual policy, instructional 
method, and the NLM encoding scheme.  

Added the new Dublin Core qualified terms to the DublinCoreTerms 
schema class and extended test cases to cover them.  

Introduced a new query package hierarchy, including interfaces Query, 
QueryBuilder, an AbstractQueryBuilder and implementation classes 
ServletQueryBuilder and SimpleQuery. Modified the HttpQuery servlet 
to use the new query components and stripped out use of the original 
SeRQLBuilder class. Initially, ServletQueryBuilder is an adapter for 
SeRQLBuilder, but this will be absorbed into a more general 
implementation in due course. Created new unit tests and coverage 
test suite for ServletQueryBuilder and AbstractQueryBuilder, based on 
extracts from the former HttpQueryTest suite.  

Added getLocalPort, getRemotePort, getLocalAddr and getLocalName 
method implementations to MockServletRequest for forwards 
compatiblity with the Apache Tomcat Servlet API implementation. Added 
Java 1.4 'source' attributes to the Ant build file for all javac 
tasks to provide backwards compatiblity with Sun Java 1.5.  

Created a first working draft of a Jasper2 compilation target and 
external build to validate JSP pages before they are deployed. 
Initially contains several hard-coded values.  

MKSearch (alpha)


Free, open source metadata search engine with RDF storage and query.

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