[MKDoc-users] MKDoc-1.6.31 released

Bruno Postle bruno at mkdoc.com
Tue Sep 13 21:23:05 BST 2005

We are pleased to announce the release of MKDoc-1.6.31.  MKDoc is an 
award-winning mod_perl web-based content management system with an 
emphasis on usability, accessibility and internationalisation.

This is a feature release that adds new functionality as well as
fixing many minor bugs, read the INSTALL.TXT file before upgrading
from an earlier version.

Major changes in this release

* New user-group functionality allows restricted areas and multiple
  groups of users.

* Headlines and Events listings can now just show documents
  matching particular audience categories.

* Site owners can generate spreadsheet style reports on user

* Uploaded files have icons indicating their file-type.

* New Dynamic Sitemap plugin is faster and shows more information.

* New plugin allows users to post comments to documents.

MKDoc-1.6.31 can be downloaded at http://download.mkdoc.com/mkdoc-1.6/

About MKDoc

MKDoc is a Web site building, serving, and content management tool 
that has been designed to encourage the use of good information 
architecture and the production of accessible Web sites.

It provides different ways for the public to interact with and 
navigate between documents, including a sitemap, search facility, 
Dublin Core XML/RDF metadata and printer versions of pages.  All 
management, document creation, editing and organising is done via a 
web browser.  The look and feel are controlled using Petal TAL 
templates and cascading style sheets.  Unicode/UTF-8 is used to 
support all languages, including right-to-left scripts.

MKDoc is licensed under the GNU GPL.

Detailed changes since 1.6.30

Changes to default templates

* The layout has changed from sidebar-at-end to sidebar-at-top.  The
  default theme is now blue mkdoc.com style.

* Headlines/Listings templates are now each separate files.

* Search box now says "search My Site".

* Hidden pages have CSS class on <body>.

* Templates no-longer include editor's email addresses.

* External links have a stylable CSS class.

* Smileys in Text and Comment components have stylable CSS classes.

New methods for template designers

* "document/root_child" returns the ancestor of the current document
  that is a child of the root document.  This is useful in
  situations where a site naturally splits into sub-sites at this

* "document/children_showable_percent_each" returns the percentage
  occupied by each child document.  ie. if there are 4 child
  documents it returns 25%.  Use this for spacing menu bars.

* "timerange/same_day" returns true if a timerange starts and
  finishes on the same day.

* "timerange/different_year" returns true if a timerange starts and
  stops in different years.

* "timerange/same_year_different_day" returns true if a timerange
  starts and stops on different days in the same year.

* "audience/category" returns the category of an audience (any part
  of the category name before a ':' character).

* "audience/short_label" returns the audience without any category
  information (if present).

* "(preferences|properties)/audience_categories" returns a list of
  audience categories.

* "(preferences|properties)/audiences_by_category" returns a list of
  audiences matching a specified category.

* "document/is_showable_to_editor" shows hidden documents to
  editors in addition to normal documents.

New features and plugins

* User group functionality added.  Users and documents can be in
  multiple groups.  Group-assigned documents are denied to
  unauthorised users.  Newsletter items are only sent to users who
  can access them.

* Audiences are now sorted by name and automagically grouped into
  categories when the name includes a ':' character.

* The logo template now checks for a file named 'logo.png' attached
  to the front page and uses that instead of the default.

* The Headlines/Listings component now has an option to display
  only documents matching selected audiences.

* Apache 401, 403 and 500 error documents are now templated and
  have links to login, front page etc...

* A new plugin exports user report as CSV file to the admin user.

* The component list is now sorted when presented to editors,
  titles of these components are now templatable.

* File attachments now have accompanying icons based on extension.

* Image components can now have descriptions.

* External links can open in pop-up windows (disabled by default)

* Components are now much easier to move around a document.

* Link components are now saved in a new format for internal links
  that allows for documents to be moved and deleted.

* Headlines components also now store the base document in a format
  that allows for documents to be moved.

* The new 'dynamic' sitemap plugin is faster, shows document
  descriptions and scales better than the old 'static' sitemap.
  The Old sitemap in a renamed form is still available for editors.
  Both sitemaps show hidden documents to editors.

* A New comment component and plugin allows logged-in users to
  comment on documents (disabled by default).  The Superuser
  account is Cc'd with each comment and the Contributor table is
  updated.  The discussion component is now redundant.

* Text and Comment components have highlighted smileys. 

* The compression level of photo thumbnails is now configurable.

Bug fixes

* mod_perl bug fixed where $::MKD_CONFIG wasn't initialised

* menu_children sidebar template wasn't displaying correctly for
  non-editor logged-in users.

* child_listing templates now show hidden documents to editors.

* child_listing_bottom template now valid XML.

* template <title> tag fixed.

* header template: <link rel ... only appears for parent and root
  document when necessary.

* CSS clear fieldset to workaround browser bugs.

* INSTALL document updated and refined.

* fixed bug which prevented MKDoc::Config variables being available
  to template designers via "config:" modifier.

* rdf metadata template didn't show rights information correctly.

* redirect plugin now loads later to avoid clobbering valid pages.

* don't try to access audience preferences for audiences that no
  longer exist.

* template <link rel ... no longer links to hidden documents.

* check users email addresses upon subscription, not when users
  save preferences.

* Text component was being tagged with nested links in some
  circumstances resulting in invalid XHTML.

* template for headlines was invalid XML.

* template for poll plugin wasn't showing title correctly.

* template for menu_next_previous no longer shows hidden documents
  to anonymous users.

* hidden document templates now have robots noindex,nofollow

* signup was rejecting email addresses containing "'" characters.

* template only show menu_next_previous in documents that have

* error plugin outputed the perl error message before content.

* children_showable list now shows hidden documents to editors.

* magic linking of child documents now shows hidden documents to

* add_component() method would (temporarily) mess-up uri_name's of

* photo component no longer accepts non-JPEG images.

* EXIF data is now stripped from photo thumbnails.

* new users on single language sites automatically prefer that

* search results now show hidden documents to editors.

* new document plugin would ignore editor's template preference.

* new document always selected parent template by default.

* uploaded files, images and photos now derive extensions properly.

* menu_files menu appeared when only hidden attachments existed.

The MKDoc team <info at mkdoc.com>

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