[MKDoc-users] RE: http://sds.mkdoc.com/information/free-information-what-is-inc lusive-design/

Nicky.Fleming@rnib.org.uk Nicky.Fleming@rnib.org.uk
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 13:15:59 +0100

Hi Adam

I take it your guys are looking at coding to try and avoid any problems, but
as it seems the speech mark characters are being interpreted differently by
different software, are there any other characters which cause this sort of

Let me know if there are any characters I need to avoid, or any additional
coding I need to put in.

Cheers, Nicky

-----Original Message-----
From: adam moran [mailto:adam@webarchitects.co.uk]
Sent: 17 July 2002 13:14
To: mkdoc-users@lists.webarch.co.uk
Cc: nicola.fleming@rnib.org.uk


i've attached a screen shot to clarify - i was using IE 6 with the
encoding set to western europen 



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