[MKDoc-modules] [BUG] MKDoc::XML comment parsing error

Chris Croome chris at webarchitects.co.uk
Tue Oct 7 13:10:12 BST 2003


On Tue 07-Oct-2003 at 12:50:41PM +0100, Steve Purkis wrote:
> They are all parsed as comments by emacs' xml major mode.  I
> haven't taken the time to try other real xml parsers.

The attached file is fine according to xmllint.


Chris Croome                               <chris at webarchitects.co.uk>
web design                             http://www.webarchitects.co.uk/ 
web content management                               http://mkdoc.com/   
-------------- next part --------------
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

  <!-- errors: -->

        <!-- pre><?var name="dump: view/user"?></pre -->
        <!-- pre<?var name="dump: view/user"?></pre -->
        <!-- pre<?var name="dump: view/user"?>/pre -->
        <!-- <?var?> -->

  <!-- These do *not* produce errors: -->

        <!-- pre?var name="dump: view/user"?>/pre -->
        <!-- pre<?var name="dump: view/user"?/pre -->
        <!-- pre<?var name="dump: view/user">/pre -->
        <!-- ?var? -->
        <!-- <var> -->

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