[MKDoc-commit] [1.6] Remove dynamic sitemap plugin

bruno at mkdoc.demon.co.uk bruno at mkdoc.demon.co.uk
Thu Aug 18 13:37:33 BST 2005

Log Message:
[1.6] Remove dynamic sitemap plugin


Modified Files:

Removed Files:

-------------- next part --------------
Index: Httpd_Conf.pm
RCS file: /var/spool/cvs/mkd/MKDoc/Site/ConfigWriter/Httpd_Conf.pm,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -LMKDoc/Site/ConfigWriter/Httpd_Conf.pm -LMKDoc/Site/ConfigWriter/Httpd_Conf.pm -u -r1.1.2.39 -r1.1.2.40
--- MKDoc/Site/ConfigWriter/Httpd_Conf.pm
+++ MKDoc/Site/ConfigWriter/Httpd_Conf.pm
@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@
   AuthType Basic
   require valid-user
-<LocationMatch ^\/\.(dynamic|account|admin|sitemap|print|headlines|meta|search)>
+<LocationMatch ^\/\.(account|admin|sitemap|print|headlines|meta|search)>
   PerlAuthenHandler MKDoc::Handler::Authenticate
   PerlAuthzHandler  MKDoc::Handler::GroupAuthz
   AuthName "Please enter your user credentials"
--- flo/plugin/DynamicSitemap.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# flo::plugin::DynamicSitemap
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Author : Sam Tregar.
-# Copyright : (c) MKDoc Holdings Ltd, 2005.
-# This file is part of MKDoc. 
-# MKDoc is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# MKDoc is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with MKDoc; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-package flo::plugin::DynamicSitemap;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-=head1 NAME
-flo::plugin::DynamicSitemap - a sitemap which shows nearby documents only
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
-Access this plugin like this:
-  http://www.example.com/.dyanmic-sitemap.html
-  http://www.example.com/foo/.dyanmic-sitemap.html
-This plugin implements a scope-limited sitemap for a given document.
-Links are shown for all ancestores, direct children and siblings.  If
-the user has permission to visit a document it will be a link.  If it
-has children of its own it will show a [+].  Hidden documents are
-shown only to editors.
-use flo::Standard;
-use lib::sql::Condition;
-use base qw /flo::Plugin/;
-sub _name_default { '.dynamic-sitemap.html' }
-sub run {
-    my $self = shift;
-    $self->render_http (
-      self       => $self,
-      __input__  => 'XML',
-      __output__ => 'XHTML',
-       );
-    return 'TERMINATE';
-sub template_path { '/dynamic_sitemap' }
-sub nodes {
-    my $self = shift;
-    my $doc  = flo::Standard::current_document();
-    $self->{_current_doc} = $doc;
-    # prefetch user-groups, used to resolve permissions
-    $self->{_user_groups} = $self->user ? user_groups($self->user) : [];
-    my ($tree, $parent, $cur) = $self->ancestor_tree($doc);
-    # add nodes for siblings if there is a parent (i.e. not for root)
-    $self->add_children($parent, $doc->parent) if $parent;
-    # add child nodes for the current doc
-    $self->add_children($cur, $doc);
-    return $tree;
-# adds child nodes, sorting based on document sort ordering
-sub add_children {
-    my ($self, $node, $doc) = @_;
-    my $cur = $self->{_current_doc};
-    my @nodes = map { $self->new_node($_) } 
-                grep { $_->id != $cur->id }
-                $self->get_children($doc);
-    push @{$node->{children}}, @nodes;
-    # sort the sibling list
-    $node->{children} = $self->sort_children($doc, $node->{children});
-sub sort_children {
-    my ($self, $doc, $nodes) = @_;
-    my $sort_on = $doc->{Sort_By};
-    my @result;
-    if ($sort_on eq 'Sibling_Position') {
-	@result = sort { $a->{doc}{$sort_on} <=> $b->{doc}{$sort_on} } @$nodes;
-    } else {
-	@result = sort { $a->{doc}{$sort_on} cmp $b->{doc}{$sort_on} } @$nodes;
-    }
-    @result = reverse @result if $doc->{Order_By};
-    return \@result;
-sub ancestor_tree {
-    my ($self, $doc) = @_;
-    # build nodes for the ancestors and the current doc
-    my @nodes = map { $self->new_node($_) } ($doc->ancestors, $doc);
-    # build the tree, top down
-    my $head = (my $p = shift @nodes);
-    my $last;
-    foreach my $node (@nodes) {
-        $last = $p;
-        $p->{children} = [ $node ];
-        $p = $p->{children}[0];
-    }
-    # return the root and pointer to the current doc and its parent
-    return ($head, $last, $p);
-# creates a new node hash for use in the template, takes a document as
-# the sole arg
-sub new_node {
-    my ($self, $doc) = @_;
-    my $accessible = user_can_see($self->{_user_groups}, $doc);
-    my $children = $accessible ? $self->get_children($doc) : [];
-    return { 
-            doc          => $doc,
-            has_children => @$children ? 1 : 0,
-            is_selected  => $doc->id == $self->{_current_doc}->id,
-            accessible   => $accessible,
-           };
-# fetch children from a document, allowing editors to see hidden documents
-sub get_children {
-    my ($self, $doc) = @_;
-    return $doc->children_showable() 
-      unless $self->user and $self->user->group eq 'editor';
-    # filter out unshowable but keep the hidden ones
-    my @children = grep { $_->is_showable or $_->is_hidden } $doc->children();
-    return wantarray ? @children : \@children;
-# determine if user should be able to see this document, looking at
-# group permissions.  Returns 1 if the user has access, 0 if not.
-sub user_can_see {
-    my ($groups, $document) = @_;
-    # lookup groups for the document, no groups means everyone can see it
-    my @doc_group_ids = find_groups($document);
-    return 1 unless @doc_group_ids;
-    # no results means the user wasn't in any of the groups, denied
-    return 0 unless @$groups;
-    # allow through if the user is in one of the document's groups
-    my %groups = map { ($_->{Grp_ID}, 1) } @$groups;
-    return 1 if grep { $groups{$_} } @doc_group_ids;
-    # no dice
-    return 0;
-# get a list of groups for a particular user
-sub user_groups {
-    my $user = shift;
-    my $editor_grp_t = flo::Standard::table('Editor_Grp');
-    my $con          = lib::sql::Condition->new(Editor_ID => $user->id);
-    my @groups       = $editor_grp_t->select(cols  => 'Grp_ID',
-                                             where => $con)->fetch_all;
-    return \@groups;
-# get groups for a document, looking up the tree
-sub find_groups {
-    my $document = shift;
-    my $document_grp_t = flo::Standard::table('Document_Grp');
-    # get list of all documents to check
-    my @documents = ($document, $document->ancestors);
-    # get results for each document 
-    my %groups;
-    foreach my $doc (@documents) {
-        my @res = $document_grp_t->select (
-	cols => 'Grp_ID',
-        where => lib::sql::Condition->new(Document_ID => $doc->id)
-                                      )->fetch_all();
-        $groups{$_->{Grp_ID}} = 1 for @res;
-    }
-    return keys %groups;
--- templates/dynamic_sitemap/document.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-  xmlns:petal="http://purl.org/petal/1.0/"
-  <tt 
-    class="expand"
-    petal:condition="false: child/is_selected;
-                     true:  child/has_children"
-  >[<a 
-      href="#"
-      hreflang="en"
-      lang="en"
-      xml:lang="en"
-      title="Expand sitemap for ${child/doc/Title}"
-      petal:attributes="href string:${child/doc/Full_Path}.dynamic-sitemap.html; 
-                        hreflang child/doc/Lang; 
-                        lang child/doc/Lang;
-                        xml:lang child/doc/Lang"
-    >+</a>]</tt>
-  <tt
-    class="contract"
-    petal:condition="true: child/is_selected;
-                     true: child/has_children"
-  >[<a 
-      href="#"
-      hreflang="en"
-      lang="en"
-      xml:lang="en"
-      title="Contract sitemap for ${child/doc/Title}"
-      petal:attributes="href string:${child/doc/Full_Path}../.dynamic-sitemap.html; 
-                        hreflang child/doc/Lang; 
-                        lang child/doc/Lang;
-                        xml:lang child/doc/Lang"
-    >&#8211;</a>]</tt>
-  <tt
-    petal:condition="false: child/has_children"
-  >[<span class="bullet">&#8226;</span>]</tt> 
-  <strong petal:omit-tag="false: child/is_selected">  
-    <a 
-      href="#"
-      hreflang="en"
-      lang="en"
-      xml:lang="en"
-      petal:attributes="href child/doc/Full_Path; 
-                        hreflang child/doc/Lang; 
-                        title child/doc/Description; 
-                        lang child/doc/Lang;
-                        xml:lang child/doc/Lang"
-      petal:content="child/doc/Title"
-      petal:condition="true: child/accessible"
-    >
-        Accessible Child Document Title
-    </a>
-    <span
-      petal:attributes="lang child/doc/Lang;
-                        xml:lang child/doc/Lang"
-      petal:content="child/doc/Title"
-      petal:condition="false: child/accessible"
-    >
-        Inaccessible Child Document Title
-    </span>
-  </strong>
-  <ul 
-    class="sitemap"
-    petal:define="children child/children"
-    petal:condition="children"
-    petal:repeat="child children"
-  >
-    <?include file="/dynamic_sitemap/document.html"?>
-  </ul>
--- templates/dynamic_sitemap/en.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-  "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
-  "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"
-This template is used for rendering the sitemap page.  
-  lang="en"
-  xml:lang="en"
-  dir="ltr"
-  petal:define="
-    here                  self;
-    title                 string:Sitemap;
-    uri                   self/uri;
-    lang                  self/lang;
-    dir                   self/direction;
-    align                 self/align;
-    align_opposite        self/align_opposite;
-    sitemap               plugin: flo::plugin::DynamicSitemap;"
-  petal:attributes="lang lang; xml:lang lang; dir dir;"
-  xmlns:petal="http://purl.org/petal/1.0/"
-  xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
-<!--? public file header ?-->
-<?include file="/fragments/head_public/"?>
-  <body 
-    lang="en"
-    xml:lang="en"
-    dir="ltr"
-    petal:attributes="lang lang; xml:lang lang; dir dir;"
-    petal:set="child root"
-  >
-<!--? navigation header ?-->
-<?include file="/fragments/header/"?>
-  <div class="content">
-    <h1 
-      lang="en"
-      xml:lang="en"
-      dir="ltr"
-      align="left"
-      petal:attributes="align align"
-      petal:define="child self/nodes"
-    >
-      Sitemap
-    </h1>
-    <ul 
-      class="sitemap"
-    >
-       <?include file="/dynamic_sitemap/document.html"?>
-    </ul>
-  </div>    
-  </body>

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