[multikulti-tech] Re: Technology used by Multikulti website to display non-Roman characters

ian.anker at hertscc.gov.uk ian.anker at hertscc.gov.uk
Mon Jan 19 08:48:44 GMT 2004

Email = ian.anker at hertscc.gov.uk
Message = I have been extremely impressed with the Multikulti website and feel that this is a huge step forwards in enabling all members of the community to access information in a useful way.

I have been working within Hertfordshire to promote the availability of translated content on our website.  So far, we have been limited to using PDF files in one part of the site.  If we could move to a similar system to that used by yourselves, this would be a major step forwards. 

We are currently in the middle of a redevelopment of our website - www.hertsdirect.org - and one of the changes will be the wider availability of translated content throughout the site.

I was wondering therefore if you would be so kind as to be able to supply technical information to our web development team as to how you have achieved the capabilities of your website so that we could attempt to create our own Hertfordshire-based version.  

If you do have any information that you could forward to me, that would be extremely helpful.  I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Kind regards

Ian Anker,
New Technologies & E-Government Officer,
Children, Schools & Families 
Hertfordshire County Council.
Name = Ian Anker
Organisation = Hertfordshire County Council
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Subject = Re: Technology used by Multikulti website to display non-Roman characters
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